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Hi there! I’m Christina, a mom of three littles, a licensed mental health therapist, and a children’s book author! Thanks for checking out my site. Look around! I’m sure there’s something here for you! This guest post, written by Ryan Cox with Allied Long Distance Movers, is about minimizing stress and hassle when moving long-distance with children.

Tips for Moving Long-Distance with Children

Long-distance moves aren’t always a walk in the park, from the logistics and budget planning to finding a reputable moving company to help with your transition. You’ll need to stay on top of many small tasks to ensure you achieve a stress-free transition to your new location. And moving with children can add a layer of stress to the entire moving process.

Planning a big long-distance move? We created a list of tricks and tips for moving with kids, so you can make the experience enjoyable for everyone in your family.

Here’s everything you need to know:

Planning: How to Help Kids Prepare for a Move

A long-distance move is a major change for everyone. Depending on the age of your kids, they’ll have to wave goodbye to friends, teachers, or teammates. They’ll also need to adjust to a new way of life in a city hundreds or thousands of miles away. To ensure the transition is as seamless as possible, you’ll want to prepare them for the move by:

  • Getting Them Excited: Moving is an exciting experience! Take time to get your kids excited about their new community by exploring the different attractions, parks, and activities in the new city or state.
  • Hosting a Moving Party: Give your kids time to say goodbye to friends and family. A moving party is a great way to celebrate the memories you’ve made and spend time with the ones that mean the most for one last time in your old home.
  • Decluttering as a Family: Before you start the packing process, you’ll want to decide what you can donate, throw away, or sell. Decluttering can help you save on the overall cost of your move and keep you organized. This is a great time to get rid of clothes your kids no longer wear or toys they don’t play with anymore.
  • Look Into New Schools: You’ll also want to get your kids used to the idea of going to a new school. Show them photos and answer any questions they might have. You’ll also want to transfer their transcripts before your move-out date.
  • Be Honest: Take some time to sit down with your kids and answer any questions or concerns they may have. Explain why you’re moving, what will change, and what they can look forward to. Open communication and transparency will make them more comfortable with the upcoming transition.

The Packing Process: How to Involve The Little Ones

At least two months before your move date, you’ll need to start packing up your home. This can be stressful if you’re moving with kids and are packing yourself. To streamline the packing process, consider:

  • Pack Room by Room: Breaking the packing process into smaller, more manageable tasks will make it easier for everyone. Consider packing room by room and starting with items you don’t use every day
  • Get The Kids Involved: Getting kids involved is a great way to teach them how to properly pack their belongings. You can also consider packing into a game to keep them entertained and on task.
  • Have an Essentials Box: You’ll need an essentials box for each kid or one for the entire family. This essential box should include toiletries, toys, a change of clothes, and bedding. This way, you don’t need to open boxes to find what you need when moving into your new home.
  • Have Fun!: Don’t be afraid to turn moving with kids into a fun experience. Consider buying markers, colorful tape, or stickers your kids can use to decorate the moving boxes.

Patience: Tips for Avoiding and Managing Stress

Patience is key to tackling the task of moving with kids. Here are some tips to ensure you’re prepared for the upcoming move:

  • Give Yourself Plenty of Time: If you’re tight on time and trying to juggle multiple tasks, it can make the experience even more stressful for everyone involved. Instead, ensure you start the moving process three months in advance.
  • Keep Your Kids Entertained: Don’t pack away all your toys and games yet! Set aside a few to keep your kids entertained throughout the move.
  • Use a Moving Checklist: A checklist will ensure you stay on task throughout the moving process. When you finish something, cross it off and move on to the next. You can also give your kids their own moving checklist that they can use.
  • Ask For Help: Whether it’s babysitting or packing, never be afraid to ask for help from your friends and family. The ones that mean the most to you will be there to help you take on the task of moving with kids.
  • Celebrate: Once you’ve officially moved and are settled in, it’s time to celebrate! Take the kids to an amusement park, plan a party, or have a nice dinner. You are embarking on a new chapter as a family. Make sure you take time to turn this transition into an exciting milestone.

When planning on moving long-distance with children, always give yourself plenty of time to plan and prepare for the relocation. When working through the moving tasks on your to- do list, don’t forget how big of a transition this is for your little ones, too! Moving with kids can be stressful, but with the right tips and tricks — you can achieve a hassle-free relocation!

Author Bio

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Ryan Cox is a professional in the moving and relocation industry with over 15 years of experience and degrees in operational management and marketing.

Christina Furnival

Christina is a mom to three wild and wonderful kiddos, a licensed psychotherapist (LPCC), and a children's book author of the award-winning social/emotional wellbeing series, Capable Kiddos! She and her Scottish husband are raising their family in San Diego, where they love to hike, play soccer, cook, walk around the lake, and go to the beach.

1 thought on “Tips for Long-Distance Moving with Children”

  1. This post is such a lifesaver! Moving long-distance can be overwhelming, especially with kids, but these tips make it feel so much more manageable. I love the idea of involving the kids in the process and turning it into something fun for them, like using stickers to decorate moving boxes. The reminder to plan ahead and be patient with ourselves is so important too. Thanks for the practical advice and helpful strategies to make the transition smoother for the whole family!

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