When we first heard about Corona Virus it sounded like a terrible thing to be happening to the people halfway around the world. But as days turned into weeks, and weeks have turned into a month and a half, we are realizing the true, frightening global and personal impact of this new sickness. Many people and families are using the hindsight of what is happening in China and Italy to have the foresight to prepare for what could happen in other countries — what could happen in our country. As such, many are finding themselves in a self-imposed quarantine, assuming it’s only a matter of time until it’s government mandated. Quarantine can have negative effects, which we are all weary of, but this post is to put a positive twist on a dark time, by highlighting the silver lining of quarantine.
The Silver Lining of Quarantine
In our typical, busy, work-filled, chore-doing, errand-running daily lives, we rarely get the downtime as a family to truly spend time together and focus on each other.
But right now, as we undertake social distancing measures and quarantine ourselves, we literally have no place to go.
None of us has ever seen a time like what we are going through and about to go through:
A time when we must stay home.
A time when the hours and days do not carry the same rushed pressure as usual.
A time when, if we allow, we can let our usual distractions fall away, and give our attention to what truly matters — the loved ones in our household.
I am not discounting the fear and frenzy, the stress of a bizarre or impossible work situation, the anticipation of the economical impact, or the anxieties of what is to come;
however, I am encouraging us all to give ourselves permission while we are confined within our homes to place energy into our family and focus on spending time together.
The Most ‘Present’ You Have Ever Been
So often we wish we had more time in the day to get things done, to check items off our to-do lists, and to spend time with our family and children. Well, as unfortunate and scary as circumstances are as we quarantine ourselves to buffer against the Corona Virus, now is that time.
Now, when your kids are taking forever to get ready in the morning, it’s okay. You aren’t under the same time crunch and you can relieve them and yourself of that pressure.
Now, when your stubborn toddler wants to put on his shoes by himself, and you normally do it for him because who has the time? Well, now you do.
Now, when your preschooler can’t get her foot to slide through her pant legs and it leads to a meltdown, you have the time to give her some extra love and encouragement.
Now, you and your kids can actually practice their ineffective self-hygiene skills so that they gain autonomy. With this extra time, they can improve their ability to wash hands, bathe themselves, brush teeth, and wipe their own bums.
Now, when your kids ask for another book, you can lose yourself in the sweet stories and accompanying snuggles, breathing in the present moment.
Now is the time to watch, observe, enjoy, and love on your kids like no other.
Go into the yard and explore, get on the floor and play, or just sit back and watch. Involve your kids in whatever long-standing project you’ve been wanting to do. Make up games and giggle deeply with your children.
Love on yourself and your family. No doubt you need it more than ever.
By diverting your attention and focus away from the challenge of being stuck home to living up the time with your family, I hope you are able to see the glimmer of the silver lining of being in quarantine.
Now, more than ever, I’m sending love and best wishes your way.

If being home has begun to worsen your mental health state, which is very possible, I hope this post helped. If you are in need of support, please reach out to a licensed mental health therapist who conducts therapy via telehealth services.
First of all, LOVE the first photo LOL Priceless. Next, you are right, spending time with loved ones never goea out of style and fits right every time
This is so great friend, thanks for sharing the positive!
What a great perspective! I hope this will be a bonding time for many families! Personally, I’m a stay at home mom and love it and wouldn’t want it any other way but I know that not everyone likes to be home all the time. Still, hopefully they’ll find some joy in it now.
That 1st picture! Hahaha Stay well!
Always wonderful when we can find blessings and have gratitude in difficult times. Thank you for the inspiring post!
I love the positive spin during a time that feels so negative.
what a great post! We should always look for the silver lining in these situations.
Its true this is taking the distractions of busy life away.
Such a great thing to keep in mind during this difficult time.
I just spent the last week in ohio visiting my sister and her newborn. she’s also got a 1 1/2 year old, almost 4 year old, and my mom has been taking care of an 8 year old and it was so crazy in that house all the time! It was Too cold to take any of them outside, but after about 4-5 days they began to calm down a little.
i’m a teacher, and this past weekend was a four-day break for us. We get these instead of a week off. I really enjoyed just being home, working on my blog, reading, and hanging with the family. Tomorrow i have to go in and figure out how to teach online, but the weekend was nice.
This is a great time to savor the small and simple moments. Maybe a wake up call for all of us about whats really important. I know it is for me. Great read!
Yes, we need a break from the panic at the shops and online
That first picture got me! 🙂 But in all seriousness, it is forcing some of us to be present and slow down. Kids are stuck at home and have plenty to do to keep them busy. Me being a nurse, have to be at work during this time. Stay safe and sane.
I am looking forward to cleaning the house, organizing my sewing projects, and fixing up my bike!
Great idea for people who are stuck at home with kiddos. Thank you!
I’ve been thinking this as well. This quarantine is a good opportunity to learn and grow as families, and to just sit down, breathe, and take time for yourself.
Nice to see something positive.
So good to stay positive during this difficult time for us all!!
Love this! I am so enjoying this time with my kiddos.
Thank you for pointing out the positive. Stay safe
I hope many take the time to reconnect with their home tribe and help flatten the curve to help out all the healthcare workers who aren’t able to stay home
I could not agree with you more. I have been saying the same thing. Everyone and everything is moving so fast in life, they rarely find the time to focus on what matters. And they don’t even realize it. This has forced people to slow down and be more in the moment. I still have to work full time so UNFORTUNATELY I don’t get that same LEVel of resetting. But I certainly also understand that for many this is stressful. Perspective is very important during this time and you have a great one!
I truly appreciate positive posts like this in times like this. Thanks for the great reminders and ideas!
Focusing on what matters most – family. I have no kids. It is just my husband and I so I have actually offered to watch my nephews during this time. otherwise, I would be home along after my husband goes to work and I do that almost everyday already.
Well said! Life’s most important lesson in a nutshell.
I certainly hope everyone is taking the time to re-connect and cherish their loved ones. this is the perfect opportunity.
This is great! Wonderful opportunity to love family more!
I am finding the positive during this time too and feel to talk about the good helps my kids cope as well.
Thank you for sharing. We are always trying to find the bright side of why all of this is happening.